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Who is who

Mrs Margriet van Baar, PhD | Director


Margriet van Baar is a senior researcher in the field of clinical epidemiology related to burn injuries and head of the program Epidemiology, Registration and Economic Evaluation of the Association of Dutch Burn Centres.

She studied Human Movement Sciences (1989) at VU University, Amsterdam and did a Master in Epidemiology (1991). She obtained a PhD in health care research in 1998.

In the following years, she worked in the field of injury prevention and the organization and outcome of trauma care at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, and University MC Utrecht. In these years she started her work in the field of burn injuries, studying functional outcome after burns.

Mrs Margriet van Baar, PhD | Head epidemiology, registration & economic studies:research coordinator Maasstad Hospital Rotterdam

Since april 2024, Margriet van Baar is the director of the ADBC and supervises all projects of the ADBC. Her main interest is in the epidemiology of burn injuries, and in the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of burn care. She is administrator of the Dutch Burn Repository R3, the clinical registry in the three burn centres in the Netherlands. She (co-) authored >90 peer reviewed publications and was co-promotor in 6 theses.

Mrs Prof Esther Middelkoop, PhD | Tissue engineering


Affiliation: Prof. Dr. Esther Middelkoop
Director Association of Dutch Burn Centers
Prof. Skin Regeneration & Wound Healing
Dept. Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgery, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, AUMC

Professor Dr. Esther Middelkoop studied chemistry at the University of Utrecht and obtained a PhD in biochemistry.

She holds a chair in Skin Regeneration and Wound Healing at the Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery in Amsterdam.

Mrs Prof Esther Middelkoop, PhD | Director

Her special research focus is on Tissue Engineered Skin and Skin Replacement Materials, both in basic and in clinical research. Specific subjects are novel antimicrobial treatments, design and application of novel full skin substitutes, clinical research using Advanced Technology Medicinal Products, non-invasive measurement techniques, burn epidemiology and nationwide registration. Her specific subject is translation of basic research into clinical practice. Esther Middelkoop published > 180 scientific papers and is co-editor of the Open Access book: Textbook on Scar management. She is active in several scientific societies, editorial board member of Wound Repair and Regeneration and board member of the Global Scar Society.

Mr Bouke Boekema, PhD | Head preclinical research


Bouke Boekema studied Bioprocess Technology at Landbouw Universiteit Wageningen and he obtained a PhD in Infectious Diseases at Veterinary Faculty of Utrecht University in 2003. After a postdoc position at the Microbiology department of Utrecht University he moved to the preclinical research at the Association of Dutch Burn Centres in 2007.

He started a research line with a focus on gaining insight into the microbial issues encountered in burns and on testing and developing antimicrobial treatments. His interest is however not restricted to microbiology but includes various other aspects of burn care such as dermal substitutes and inflammation. This has resulted in 6 grants, 32 publications (12 as first author) in peer reviewed journals and 2 book chapters. He was co-promoter for one thesis, is active as a peer reviewer and received an award for outstanding reviewer in 2019> He is currently secretary in the board of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS).

Mr Bouke Boekema, PhD | Head preclinical research
award Bouke

Mrs Marianne Nieuwenhuis, PhD | Head clinical research/research coordinator Martini Hospital Groningen


Marianne Nieuwenhuis studied Human Movement Sciences at the University of Groningen and did her PhD at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital in Utrecht, including a project at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. She continued her research training as post-doc at the University of Delaware and the Rehabilitation department of the University Medical Centre of Groningen.

In 2001 she started at the Burn Centre of the Martini Hospital, as clinical scientist. Since the realisation of the Association of Dutch Burn centres in 2003, she is head of its Clinical Research Program and research coordinator at the Burn Centre of the Martini Hospital. Recently, she became professor at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, with the Research group Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care and Nursing. Her professional interests are in the areas of burns, physical functioning, rehabilitation, biomechanics and clinical research.

foto marianne nieuwenhuis

She initiated research specifically focussing on physical fitness and activity, to help meet the challenge of burn care of how best to enable people who have sustained a burn injury to return to their pre-injury functional status. Physical fitness and activity and its recovery after burn injury, remain key issues to be addressed, also in the coming years. On the one hand research will focus on underlying mechanisms; how is tissue, skin and specifically muscle, affected by burns, including subjects as inflammation and disuse, and on the other hand; how can treatment (exercise therapy, nutrition, etc.) best resolve this. Furthermore, there will be more explicit focus on how function, ability of patients is affected by impairments and treatment. To this end multidisciplinary collaboration of both care and science is imperative. Besides research, she enjoys training (PhD) students and working together with staff from a variety of disciplines as well as teaching subjects like Evidence Based Practice.

Mrs Anouk Pijpe, PhD | Epidemiologist/research, coordinator Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk


Anouk Pijpe studied Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University. After she obtained her MSc in January 2002, she fulfilled positions as junior and senior researcher at the Department of Epidemiology of the Maastricht University and the Departments of Psychosocial Research, Epidemiology and Pathology at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI-AvL). In 2010, she obtained a PhD in breast cancer epidemiology. Before she started working as a research coordinator in the Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, she worked as scientific officer at the Health Council of the Netherlands in The Hague. She has a general interest in clinical epidemiology and methodology and is an active member of the Society for Epidemiology. Her professional interest in burn care covers clinical research, inflammation and metabolism, and long-term sequelae. She enjoys working in Dutch burn care and research because of the innovative and multidisciplinary environment and being able to actively contribute to high quality research and thereby improving burn care.

Mrs Anouk Pijpe, PhD | Epidemiologist:research, coordinator Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk

Since November 2007 she is working as head of the program Epidemiology, Registration and Economic Evaluation of the Association of Dutch Burn Centres, in Burn Centre Maasstad Hospital, Rotterdam. Her main interest is in the epidemiology of burn injuries, and in the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of burn care. She is administrator of the Dutch Burn Repository R3, the clinical registry in the three burn centres in the Netherlands. She (co-) authored >90 peer reviewed publications and was co-promotor in 6 theses.

Permanent employees

Burn Research Lab

Marlies Kobesen

Project manager

B AS, Senior Research technician

Anouk Elgersma

B AS, Research technician

Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk

Matthea Stoop

Research nurse

Project employees

Burn Research Lab



PhD student

Red Cross Hospital - Beverwijk

MD, PhD student

Danielle Rijpma

MD, PhD student

MD, PhD student

Maxime Cuijpers

PhD student



Maasstad Hospital - Rotterdam


Charlotte Cords

MD, PhD student 

Denise van Uden

Project coordinator

Lotte van Dammen

PhD student

Martini Hospital - Groningen

PhD student

Frederiek Bosch

PhD student

PhD student


Moniek Akkerman


Anuschka Niemeijer


Amsterdam UMC

Madalena Gomes

Britt van der Leeden

PhD student

Dr. Assistent Prof.

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Leden van de NVBZ melden zich via dit formulier aan voor de najaarsvergadering op 15 november in Beverwijk.

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* Niet-leden betalen een bijdrage van € 20. U wordt verzocht deze bijdrage vóór 1 november over te maken naar IBAN NL98ABNA0564129941 o.v.v. ‘bijwonen najaarsvergadering’ en uw naam.
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*Van 12.00 – 13.00 uur
Ik meld mij ook aan voor de borrel en het diner na afloop in het Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis*