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The Alliance of Dutch Burn Care (ADBC) combines the knowledge of preclinical research, from our own Burn Research Lab, with the clinical experience of the Dutch Burn Centres. According to the principle “from bench to bedside and vice versa”, the ADBC contributes to the high quality of burns research in The Netherlands.

In addition to its own projects, the ADBC also collaborates with other leading (inter)national top clinical and academic research groups. The research of the ADBC has the following research programs:

Burn Research Lab (portfolio/expertise)

Cell and tissue culture


To study wound healing, our laboratory has developed several skin models for in vitro analysis for wound healing parameters. Ex vivo human skin is used to study burn and excisional wounds, whereas tissue engineered skin is used to study cell-cell interaction, immune responses and clinical applications. Downstream applications like flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and qPCR can be used to analyse cell cultures and wound models in great detail.

Flow cytometry


With our MACSquant10 flow cytometer, we are able to study a great variety of human (skin) cells and immune cells. We have designed several multi-colour panels to analyse neutrophil, monocyte and lymphocyte subsets and activation markers. The use of Cytokine Bead Array (CBA) allows use to measure up to 13 cytokines our samples.

Immunohistochemistry/Image analysis


With our extensive library of antibodies, we are able to detect a wide array of cells and ECM-proteins in both paraffin-embedded sections as in cryosections. Digital image analysis allows us to perform objective measurements in an automated manner.



In our dedicated laboratory for microbiology, we are able to test innovative methods to combat bacteria in challenging conditions like in vitro and ex vivo skin models. In addition to laboratory strains, we also collect clinical relevant isolates to investigate their role in wound colonization and infection.

Data Analysis


At ADBC we have committed to the FAIR data guidelines, FAIR stands for Findable (F), Accessible (A), Interoperable (I), and Reusable (R). Our knowledge of SPSS, STATA, R Studio and Python allows us to perform in-depth analysis of large datasets.

Vacancies & Interships

It is possible to do an internship at ADBC at both the preclinical and clinical departments. For preclinical research, we have internship opportunities for HBO (graduation internship, Biology and Medical Laboratory Research / Life Sciences) and WO master students (minimum 5 months). We can offer challenging internship projects, based on the various techniques we have in-house, such as cell and tissue culture, bacteriology, qPCR, flow cytometry and (immuno)histochemistry. During your internship you will participate in one of our ongoing projects.

For more information, please contact Marcel Vlig (

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Preclinical Laboratory ADBC
Tel:              0251-275500
Location:   Zeestraat 29, Beverwijk

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Leden van de NVBZ melden zich via dit formulier aan voor de najaarsvergadering op 15 november in Beverwijk.

Lid van de NVBZ*
* Niet-leden betalen een bijdrage van € 20. U wordt verzocht deze bijdrage vóór 1 november over te maken naar IBAN NL98ABNA0564129941 o.v.v. ‘bijwonen najaarsvergadering’ en uw naam.
Ik meld mij ook aan voor de lunch**
*Van 12.00 – 13.00 uur
Ik meld mij ook aan voor de borrel en het diner na afloop in het Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis*